Pan-O-Gold Baking Co. does not disallow ingredients that are sourced from GMO crops because of the higher yields, socioeconomic factors, and studies that demonstrate consumer food safety.

Ingredients on GMO crop lists used by Pan-O-Gold Baking Co. include corn, soy, sugar beets, and potatoes. The high fructose corn syrup, soybean oil, and white and brown sugars are highly refined and through the process all genetically modified material is removed. The potato product used as an ingredient is controlled through our suppliers and is not sourced from GMO crops.

However, corn products such as corn starch, corn grits, and corn meal can contain genetically modified material. The corn used as an ingredient in the breads and buns baked by Pan-O-Gold Baking Co. are deemed safe by FDA standards and is not know to pose any food safety risk.